Saturday, July 21, 2007

The Sum of All His Parts?

Fred Thompson: Former Senator, lawyer, lobbyist, actor, consultant; current sorta-kinda-maybe candidate for the Presidency of the United States with a far-right following comparable to a pack of hounds baying at a treed possum.

We're gonna watch to see how FT's parts "fit" and frame the man who can't yet decide to decide ....

Our first factor of contention: If Fred D. Thompson were to become the Republican nominee in 2008, his losing percentage will exceed that of Bob Dole who ran against the "other" Clinton in 1996.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm sure he's a good guy and father, but this man does not LOOK healthy enough to run for president, much less BE president.

sorry, fredheads. The dems will slaughter him in debates. He's too long of tooth and without a script, he peppers his broken responses with "uhhh .... well ... uh uh ..." too much to be convincing.