Sunday, September 23, 2007

Morris on Fred

Morris isn't always right, but he's batting .999 on this one.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Fred and Immigration

Fred may have a few problems explaining his past voting record on immigration.

"The most stark example was his 1995 vote on the welfare overhaul, when he
voted to preserve illegal aliens' ability to receive federal benefits. He was
one of just six senators to vote that way, joining four other Republicans and
one Democrat.

"He also voted against an employment verification system: "And in 1996, as
Congress considered a crackdown on illegal aliens, Mr. Thompson voted against
setting up a system so employers could verify the legal status of their workers."

Of course, his pat answer for clarification will likely be "I don't remember voting that way ...."

Loss of memory is not a good thing for someone aspiring to be the most powerful person in the world.


Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Fred's Bobble-Head Ad

This is embarrassing.

No REAL friend of Fred's would allow him to humiliate himself like this.

The man is not healthy. His hair (regardless of age) is reminiscent of post-chemo treatment .... His facial contortions are distracting. This is NOT the image or countenance of a man who is capable of campaigning or "running" for the Presidency of the United States.

He may be a good man, but he is not THE man we need as President.

Godspeed, Fred Thompson.

You seem like a nice enough guy, but someone has mis-led you in your aspirations.

Go home, enjoy your kids, spend time with the wife and your mom. Go back to TV; visit the talk show circuit where the applause will be warm. Maybe the next President will appoint you to an advisory committee .... Don't embarrass yourself by running, Fred.

This is the last time I'll compliment you if you continue.


Monday, September 3, 2007

Plez Don't Delay Our Disappointment:

Awaiting the announcement to announce:

Know what I mean, Vern?
